talcum powder law suit

Understanding the Allegations:

The ongoing legal battles involve talcum powder lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson that have spanned several years. These lawsuits claim that the long-term use of talcum powder (commonly found in products like Baby Powder and Shower to Shower) can lead to ovarian cancer in certain women.

The trial regarding Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder and its connection to mesothelioma is currently underway in Oakland, California. The plaintiff has presented their case, and now it is the turn of J&J’s lawyers to present their defense. As part of their defense, they called Dr. Ed Kuffner, the company’s chief medical officer for consumer products, to testify. Dr. Kuffner provided insights into the recall of a significant batch of powder that was allegedly contaminated with chrysotile asbestos.

Interestingly, no tests were conducted on the 38,000 bottles involved in the recall. This allows Johnson & Johnson to question the initial findings of the FDA, thereby raising doubts about the contamination. The motives behind this strategy appear quite transparent. The final decision rests with the jury, and we will soon discover whether they agree with this perspective.

in July 2023, The bankruptcy trial held in New Jersey has concluded. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Michael Kaplan is now tasked with determining whether to reject the bankruptcy filing made by LTL Management. This subsidiary was created with the purpose of resolving all the talc powder lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson in order to prevent these cases from reaching juries who had already awarded substantial amounts, totaling in the billions of dollars. The judge’s decision will shed light on the future course of action in these ongoing legal proceedings

Are you under the impression that the deadline to file a talcum powder lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson has passed? Many individuals who assume that the statute of limitations has expired for suing Johnson & Johnson are mistaken

If you or a loved one is or was a user of any brand or brand of talcum powder and have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, You can reach our legal team by submitting an online form.