Paraquat – ReClaimsSpecialist All About Medical Money Compensation Wed, 27 Sep 2023 16:41:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Paraquat – ReClaimsSpecialist 32 32 Paraquat Lawsuits: Updates, Science, and Your Rights Wed, 27 Sep 2023 16:36:01 +0000 Paraquat dichloride, a herbicide in use since the 1950s, has come under scrutiny due to its potential health hazards. While it remains legal for licensed users in the United States, there’s a growing number of lawsuits against its manufacturers, Syngenta and Chevron, Inc. This article dives into the latest paraquat lawsuit updates, explores the scientific links between paraquat and Parkinson’s disease, and helps you understand your rights if you believe you have a case.

Paraquat: A Restricted Use Pesticide

In the United States, paraquat is categorized as a restricted use pesticide. This designation mandates that applicators must undergo specialized training and certification to handle it safely.

New Paraquat Lawsuit Updates

The paraquat-related class action lawsuit saw a rapid increase in plaintiffs in 2022, growing from 482 cases of Parkinson’s disease at the beginning of the year to 2,352 by year-end. This surge underscores the urgency for those harmed by paraquat to seek legal counsel.

The federal multi-district litigation (MDL), originally set to begin in 2022, was postponed until October 2023 to complete expert witness depositions.

Scientific Link Between Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease

The question of a link between paraquat use and Parkinson’s disease is central to these lawsuits, and scientific studies have yielded mixed results.

A 2021 literature review suggested no proven causal connection between paraquat and Parkinson’s. However, this doesn’t conclusively negate the possibility of a connection.

Several studies are of note:

  1. A 2011 study from the Agricultural Health Study found a positive correlation between paraquat use and Parkinson’s disease, linked to mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress.
  2. A 2020 study observed U.S. farmers and spouses over 20 years, failing to provide conclusive evidence of paraquat exposure causing Parkinson’s.
  3. A 2021 study on UK factory workers exposed to paraquat found no increased risk of Parkinson’s or mortality.

Paraquat Defendants

Syngenta and Chevron, Inc. are the main defendants in current paraquat cases, particularly in the MDL involving Gramoxone, a Syngenta brand distributed in the U.S. by Chevron. Plaintiffs allege Gramoxone exposure led to Parkinson’s disease.

Understanding MDL vs. Class Action

MDLs and class actions share similarities but differ in crucial ways:

  • In a class action, plaintiffs combine into one case, with damages split evenly among them. Any eligible individual can join.
  • MDLs group cases together for efficiency but allow for different damage awards and settlements.

Paraquat Settlement Status

As of now, no settlement has been reached, as the MDL is in its early stages. The settlement amount, influenced by the number of plaintiffs involved, will cover financial damages only.

Qualifying for a Paraquat Lawsuit

In the U.S., anyone with paraquat exposure leading to health issues can potentially file a lawsuit against its manufacturers and distributors. This extends beyond agricultural workers to anyone with direct exposure or residing in affected areas.

Statute of Limitations

The time frame for filing a paraquat lawsuit varies by state. It can range from one to six years, with differing start dates (first exposure or “reasonable” knowledge). Consulting a lawyer familiar with your state’s regulations is crucial.

Estimating Paraquat Case Worth

While exact payouts remain uncertain, comparisons to similar cases offer insights. For instance, Roundup cases yielded an average of $160,000 per plaintiff in 2020. However, individual circumstances can vary widely.


  1. What do I do if I think I have a case regarding paraquat?
    Contact a lawyer specializing in paraquat cases to evaluate your situation.
  2. What evidence do I have to have to file a paraquat case?
    Evidence of paraquat exposure and associated health problems is vital.
  3. What kind of exposure to paraquat is believed to cause harm?
    Direct exposure, such as handling or residing near areas where paraquat is used, is considered harmful. Although indirect exposure hasn’t been definitively linked to Parkinson’s, even small ingestions can be toxic.

In conclusion, paraquat lawsuits are complex and evolving, with significant implications for those affected. Seeking legal counsel is the first step to understanding your rights and potential compensation.

Is There a scientific link between paraquat and parkinson’s ? Wed, 21 Jun 2023 16:21:38 +0000

Paraquat, a widely used commercial herbicide and weed killer in the United States, is sold under various brand names like Gramaxone, Parazone, and Quik-Quat. Although it is a non-selective herbicide known for its quick action, its popularity declined with the introduction of Roundup in the 1970s. However, after reports of health concerns related to Roundup, many individuals switched to Paraquat products.

In Parkinson’s research, Paraquat, along with a pesticide called Rotenone, is frequently used to induce Parkinson’s disease in animal studies, as stated by the Parkinson’s Foundation. The foundation has advocated for banning Paraquat in the United States due to strong scientific evidence linking it to Parkinson’s disease. However, in 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decided to reapprove Paraquat for another 15 years.

While Paraquat is banned in 32 countries worldwide, including the European Union, it remains commonly used in the United States. The only restriction is that it must be applied by a licensed applicator or under their supervision. This means individuals cannot purchase and use Paraquat themselves, but it can be used by landscaping professionals or in public spaces like parks.

Paraquat is primarily used on crops to prevent weed and invasive grass damage. Over 100 crops, including alfalfa, soybeans, corn, cotton, and vineyards, are regularly treated with Paraquat. Its use is widespread across all 50 states, particularly in the South and Midwest regions such as Illinois, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, and surprisingly, even in California.

The most common route of Paraquat exposure is through contact with previously applied and dried Paraquat in the environment. Farmers and their families, individuals regularly exposed to farm animals, rural residents, and those relying on well water are most likely to come into contact with Paraquat. Urban and suburban dwellers may also encounter Paraquat when visiting green spaces or national wildlife refuges where agricultural pesticides, including Paraquat, are used. To protect both wildlife and humans, the Center for Biological Diversity has called for a ban on these chemicals within the refuges.

If you develop Parkinson’s disease after exposure to Paraquat, there is a growing number of lawsuits across the United States on behalf of affected individuals. It is essential to get in touch with them so that they guide you to get your compensation amount.

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Paraquat Tue, 06 Jun 2023 20:44:01 +0000 Paraquat poisoning has caused one to two deaths per year,

Parkinson’s disease is allegedly caused by long-term exposure to the common pesticide paraquat which is popularly used and sold in concentrated form and is mixed with water and sprayed on crops. When it comes to eliminating weeds and grasses that are glyphosate-resistant, it is quite effective. Farmers are at risk in this scenario because they come into contact with the herbicide up close. Additionally used on industrial farms, the poisonous pesticide expocal residents.

Parkinson’s lawsuit contends that manufacturers neglected to disclose the risk. Farmers, agricultural aborersurers, and others are being defended by attorneys in lawsuits for damages.

There are numerous justifications for bringing a case if you were exposed to paraquat and later got Parkinson’s disease.

A knowledgeable paraquat attorney can assist you in submitting a claim for a potential settlement, hold businesses accountable for misconduct, and raise awareness of the risks associated with paraquat.

Plaintiffs in paraquat claims contend that the weed killer’s producers were aware for a long time that it was hazardous and might lead to Parkinson’s disease. They didn’t tell the plaintiffs or anyone else about this, so they kept selling it.

Over 377 companies worldwide make paraquat-containing goods. Syngenta’s Gramoxone brand is among the most well-known ones in the US. Herein, the lawsuit could make businesses answerable for their careless actions. Punitive damages are sometimes given by juries as punishment for businesses that willfully put the public in danger.

As the MDL is still in its early stages, no settlement has yet been reached, and there are multiple effects of paraquat, long-term, and short-term. The number of litigants participating may have an impact on the settlement’s available funds. Only monetary damages may be collected in the paraquat instances because they are being heard in civil court. The plaintiffs’ ability to accurately estimate past and future costs associated with their exposure to paraquat is therefore the more crucial.
